Friday, July 31, 2009

Photos of the Tree Removal


Although I have been back to Edmonton from Nebraska for about two weeks, I have a lot of blogging to do in order to catch everyone up on what we have been up to. I have been terrible at updating this blog, but have BIG plans for making it better. And, I will have plenty of time to do that for reasons I will touch on in upcoming posts.

You may be wondering why the title of this post is T-I-M-B-E-R!!!!! While I was back in Nebraska visiting my family, I received a call from our renters in Omaha. There had been a thunderstorm and one of the large (I use that term lightly) trees in the backyard had dropped one of its branches on the neighbors house. Not only that, but a few hours after the branch fell, a tree across the street on the other side of the house was struck by lightening and threw bark at our house damaging the siding and breaking one of the windows. So, I spent a few days dealing with insurance companies and contractors. Here are some photos of the damage.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Back Home from Home

I just arrived arrived back home (Edmonton) from a trip back home (Nebraska). The trip started with some time in Bloomfield, some 'excitement' in Omaha with our house, my presentation for my graduate project and then wrapped up with the annual Wagner Golf Tournament in the Black Hills of South Dakota and a looong trip back to Edmonton. I have tons of photos and videos to share and will start uploading those tomorrow. Time for bed now.