Monday, November 23, 2009

Oilers WIN!!!!

Tonight Jason and I went to the Oilers. We had great seats and the Oilers won. Who could ask for a better night!
We got to see where the players come out of the dressing room.

Sorry about the dark photo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boredom=Craft Project

Jason is reffing tonight so I decided to do a little sewing. After starting about three different sewing projects, I settled on this doll. I have had the pattern for a long time, but this was the first time I attempted it. I think it turned out pretty well fir my first attempt.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November. Already?!?!

It's hard to believe that November is already halfway over! Soon we will be heading to Great Falls to spend Christmas with Jason's parents and then on to Nebraska to celebrate with my family. Here are a few photos to show you what we have been up to.

Much of my day is spent hanging out with Izzy. It is amazing what good company she is. She has been an excellent model these past couple of weeks too.

Last night I made cupcakes just for velvet with buttercream frosting. I made Jason take some to work so they wouldn't be here at the house tempting me. Jason and I also played a couple of games of cribbage....I won!!!!!

Izzy...probably waiting for me to throw her a toy.

This is how Izzy and I spend much of our day. We did a lot of lounging on the couch this past week as I was not feeling well.

A couple of weeks ago we had the Embury's over for supper. I definitely miss having a larger kitchen and dining room for entertaining. We made it work though.

We have a lot planned in the next couple of weeks....Jason's Birthday, Oilers games, the start of the Buzzell Games Tournament. Check back for updates!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Talented VandeBossche Men!

This is just a glimpse of the fun we had this past July at the Wagner Golf Open in the Black Hills.